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Tom was born in 1970 in Munich, Germany into a well-established goldsmithing family. Following in the footsteps of his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather – all master goldsmiths – he embarked on an apprenPceship at the school of jewellery at Munich’s Luisenschule. GraduaPng as a goldsmith in 1991, he completed a series of advanced courses at several internaPonal insPtutes, qualifying as a gemmologist and diamond expert.


He was awarded a Master’s degree from the renowned Handwerkskammer Bildungszentrum in 1995 - one of the foremost educaPonal establishments for the craN trades in Germany. With a keen interest in state-of- the-art jewellery manufacturing techniques, Tom invested in one of the very first laser welding machines developed specially for jewellery. Before long, Tom had earned internaPonal recogniPon in his field which brought him to the UK in the late 1990s. Here he pioneered the user of laser welding, combining technology with high-level skills, cemenPng an internaPonal reputaPon for excellence in design, craNsmanship and innovaPon.

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